Travel Essentials that Just Make Sense for International Travel.
We are heading on the longest trip as a family ever! A 12 hr flight, two full weeks, and even though we travel often, we're dealing with a biggest time change as well. Here are our must haves, links, ideas, and more. From planning tips, to our favorite products to travel with, we've got you covered!
1. Baggage Scale:
Perfect to make sure your luggage is not overweight. Even though you have a scale at home, many times your hotel, Airbnb and vrbo DO NOT for return flight. Especially if you're bringing back souvenirs and gifts.
2. AirTags:
A must to ensure your luggage isn't lost! Literally nothing worse than arriving somewhere with your luggage missing.
3. Dot to Dot books, Comics, and Look and Find Books:
Great for long flights!
4. Plug In Headphones:
Remember the videos on the plane don't use bluetooth headphones.
5. International First Aid Kit:
Any stomach bug, cut, mosquito bites, sore throat and this'll tide you over until you get to a hospital or doctor. Or, prevent the situation from escalating to that in the first place.
6. Download all Videos Before:
Even if there is Wifi, sometimes it can be spotty and broken that day. Plan accordingly.
7. Check your Prescriptions a Week Before in Case any Need to be Refilled:
8. Look Over Your Calendar a few Weeks Before to Plan Accordingly Before and After:
If you have a project due a day after your return, most likely, you'll need to do the majority of the work before you leave. If your kids begin school a few days later, make sure you have uniforms, school supplies, new shoes etc..
9. International Outlet Adapters:
10. Cozy Blankets for All:
11. Random:
Sleep is #1!!
I make a separate packing list of all the things that are super important, or I always seem to forget and pack those first. My contacts and glasses, makeup, medication etc...
What are your best travel tips? Share in the comments.