We're all ready for party and celebrate because let's be real. Doctor's appointments aren't going anywhere, work and life are things we need to show up daily for. So why not make it fun, pumped, and as awesome as possible?
When it comes to gifts for the holiday season, from Thanksgiving, Chanukah and more, here's my favorite tip:
Write the gifts, errands, and forget-tables that you will forget and may not think about first.
For me, it's gifts for the mailman, the speech teachers, the babysitter your kids are obsessed with etc..
It's plastic cups and tissues when we have lots of company.
It's stoping at the ATM for cash before we have a long drive, and locating our EZ PASS.
I realized this is a trick I do a lot in life. Writing down what you may forget first. For example, packing, I always forget makeup, contacts and glasses, so normally I'll pack those first.
With life constantly on the move, let's bring the joy to the forefront with these ideas:
1. Always identify your goals and end game first.
Is this the first year in a while your whole extended family will be together? BLOW UP THE PARTY AND MAKE IT LEGENDARY.
Have you felt the toys are never ending and this is the year to focus more on meaning and giving back? Book the drives to deliver holiday baskets and gifts.
Did you just have to take off a lot of work due to unforeseen circumstances so you'll be juggling a full schedule on top of Chanukah and the holidays? Let's put the focus there on ways to make it easy and special at the same time.
You get the idea...
2. Make it fun!
Try different themes for each night. Get a huge posterboard or large paper cutout, decorate it with your kids and instead of a gift each night, it's a fun theme. Sometimes they do include gifts, other times not.
Glow in the dark night with glowsticks and glow in the dark paint projects.
Decorate your own donut night.
Music Night
80s dance party
Cozy Vibes: New books, pajamas, and hot cocoa
Olympics Night: For the Greeks, do fun relay races etc..
Chanukah Card Making
Or, what our family will be doing this year. This is an idea I've seen all over the internet and our kids are super excited.
Something to Do
Something to eat
Something to wear
Something to read
Something you want
Something you need
3. Traveling? Get the family involved with this activity:
Every kid's name goes in a hat and each sibling draws the name of another one. Keep it secret. Then, they choose that sibling's favorite snack and activity or treat for the car. So if David draws Kayla, David tells mommy to get Kayla's favorite snack (Sour Cream and Onion Pringles), and her favorite car game magna doodle, and a kit kat). Everyone gets it when they get in the car and find out who drew who. It's super cute and super adaptable.
4. Lastly, here is a bunch of Driven Day Resources available for ya including our brand new Gift Giving Printable.