May 10, 2022
Shavous is Around the Corner... We've Got You Covered
The Jewish holiday of Shavuot is a two day holiday celebrating G-d's giving of the Torah to the Jewish People at Mt. Sinai over 3,000 years ago. It comes after 49 days of counting up to this monumental occasion. We light candles, stay up all night learning Torah, go to synagogue to pray, enjoy dairy delicacies and more.
With Shavous just a few weeks away our best Driven Day tip is to run through each part of your life and play it out in your mind.
These tips are true for any holiday so even if you aren't celebrating, keep reading for the basics of how to allow holiday time to be function, productive and positive.

Deadlines before or right after? Having a late night meeting a few days before so need to schedule babysitting? This year is a little easier since it's over the weekend, but take a look at your calendar and make sure you're prepared for any meetings or projects happening the week after, and projects due shortly before the holiday and plan accordingly.

Just went dairy free right in time for the “dairy” holiday? Begin researching parve/nondairy cheesecake recipes or bakeries. Do you need to add basic fruits and veggies to your grocery order so you always have healthy options around? Your health goals don't need to go away just because a holiday is approaching. But, they can take a back burner if that's WHAT YOU WANT. The key here, in true Driven Day fashion is whatever decision you make is an intentional one.

Basic dentist appointments, kids books reports, haircuts, and even ensuring you have warm weather activities and clothes prepared are all things are your list. Regular household musts like laundry, prescription refills etc.. still need to happen.
Shavous :
Oh, that’s where our Shavous printable and Driven Day planners come in! Preoder your September one so you're ready for the next holidays approaching, and score our January ones at 50% off.