Our Fav Summer Reads!
Alright, it wouldn't be a Driven Day Summer Without Some Awesome Beach Reads!
I've always been a huge reader and the summer has long weekends, beach trips, a lot of times when we travel on vacation. Now's the perfect time to do a quick roundup of some of our favorites that we've read, sitting on our nightstand a hundred pages in, and those on our "to read next lists".
1) Katherine Center's The BodyGuard:
Just started this and I always love a Katherine Center novel. They're good plots, and just the right combination of lightness, growth, and romance. I've never read one I haven't liked and they're always addictive.
2. Donald Miller's Building a Story Brand:
I've mentioned this one before and loove it so far. Focusing on business development during the slower months is a great use of your day and a great Time Management Tip!